A Colonial Merchant: The Ledger of William Ramsay

Alexandria, VA 1753-1756

Artifact: Garter


Materials: Silk

Dimensions: W: 1 1/4"; L: 39"

Date: 1725

Origin: England

Collection: Image Courtesy of The Colonial Williamsburg Foundation

License: All rights reserved

Ledger Entry: Garter


Department: Clothing

Customer: Captain George Mercer

Ledger Page: 359

Imported From: Most of the clothing accessories sold in the Ramsay store would have been imported from England, though simple garters could be locally produced.

Product Description

Garters were an undergarment used to hold up the hose or stockings of men, women, and children in colonial America. With the exception of knit stockings, most hose and stockings were made of cut and seamed fabric and given the limited elasticity of available materials were unable to stay up on their own.

Citation: "Garter." In The Oxford Dictionary of Phrase and Fable, edited by Knowles, Elizabeth. : Oxford University Press, 2005.;

Historical Price: 9 pence; Modern USD: $8.41

Product Variations

The databases record fifteen pairs of garters. Even though The databases record no qualifiers used to indicate quality, their prices range from three pence to two shillings six pence.