Artifact: Pins from Arell's Tavern

Materials: Brass
Date: Post 1760
Collection: Alexandria Archaeology Museum
License: Public Domain
Ledger Entry: Pins

Department: Sewing
Customer: Mrs. Elizabeth Doleman
Ledger Page: 38
Imported From:
Product Description
Pins were an integral part of hand sewing and mending. Because they were so ubiquitous, small, and easy to loose, they are frequently found in large numbers at historical sites. Many pins found at colonial sites were brass and were tin-plated.
Citation: Ivor Noël Hume. A Guide to Artifacts of Colonial America. (Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 2001), 84-86.;
Historical Price: 6 pence per weight; Modern USD: $5.6
Product Variations
The databases record sixteen purchases of pins. Pins were sold by the weight. Although The databases record no qualifiers indicating quality, the price was either six pence or eight pence for one weight.