A Colonial Merchant: The Ledger of William Ramsay

Alexandria, VA 1753-1756

Artifact: Plush Livery Breeches

Hussar Plush

Materials: Mohair Plush

Dimensions: Waist: 29-30"; OL: 29 1/2"

Date: 1780-1820

Origin: England

Collection: Image Courtesy of The Colonial Williamsburg Foundation

License: All rights reserved

Ledger Entry: Hussar Plush

Hussar Plush

Department: Textile

Customer: Dr. Walter Stewart

Ledger Page: 162

Imported From: Most of the textiles sold in the Ramsay store were either produced and imported from England, or imported to the colonies through England. Plush was produced primarily in France.

Product Description

A wool velvet primarily used for clothing and upholstery. As clothing, it was popular for livery. Because of it's weight and warmth, it was also used for winter coats.

Citation: Florence M. Montgomery. Textiles in America, 1650-1870 : a Dictionary Based on Original Documents : Prints and Paintings, Commercial Records, American Merchants' Papers, Shopkeepers' Advertisements, and Pattern Books with Original Swatches of Cloth. (New York :Norton, 1984);

Historical Price: 13 shillings, 6 pence; Modern USD: $151

Product Variations

The databases record only four purchases of plush, three are qualified as hussar plush. Their prices range from ten shillings to thirteen shillings six pence per yard.