Artifact: Snuff
Materials: Tobacco
Collection: Gebrüder Bernard via WikiMedia Commons
License: GFDL
Ledger Entry: Snuff
Department: Personal
Customer: Charles Mason
Ledger Page: 29
Imported From: While popular blends of snuff may have been imported from England, Scotland, or Sweeden, it is likely that Snuff in the colonies was produced with local tobacco.
Product Description
Snuff is a form of fine ground tobacco which is consumed by snorting (nasal inhalation). The practice was first recorded in the native population of Brazil but was transplanted to Europe and became a fashionable habit of the aristocracy. Snuff was often blended with fragrance to add another dimension to the effects of the tobacco.
Citation: "Snuff-boxes and snuff bottles." In The Grove Encyclopedia of Decorative Arts, edited by Campbell, Gordon. : Oxford University Press, 2006.; Publication, IARC Official. Smokeless Tobacco And Some Tobacco-Specific N-Nitrosamines. Geneva :World Health Organization, 2006.
Historical Price: 2 shillings, 6 pence for 1 bottle; Modern USD: $28
Product Variations
The databases record only two purchases of snuff. Snuff was sold by the bottle and one purchase is qualified as round snuff.